Wonder Bread Commercial
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Wonder Bread Commercial
- Usage
- Public Domain
- Item Size
- 8.3M
- Addeddate
- 2003-05-28 19:00:19
- Ccnum
- asr
- Closed captioning
- no
- Collectionid
- wonder_bread
- Color
- color
- Identifier
- wonder_bread
- Numeric_id
- 3636
- Run time
- 00:01:00
- Sound
- sound
- Type
- MovingImage
- Whisper_asr_module_version
- 20230805.01
favoritefavoritefavorite -
May 11, 2012
Subject: Unholy Bread
Subject: Unholy Bread
Beause of a lack of holes, when Wonder Bread was toasted it would radidly expand and then explode. Several people were injured by this- mainly in the Midwest.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 24, 2008
Subject: Nothing Special
Subject: Nothing Special
Just another brief commercial. There is not a single thing interesting about this commercial. But it's so brief it doesn't get boring.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
September 26, 2005
Subject: Soft whipping helps build strong bodies.
Subject: Soft whipping helps build strong bodies.
Another promotional spot here, that lasts for 10 seconds promoting Wonder Bread. Did you know Wonder Bread came Soft Whipped? No holes that way. Wow. It
helps build strong bodies 12 ways!! We dont get to find out what those 12 ways are, but I think soft whipping is one.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
March 20, 2004
Subject: Dr. Atkins wach out~
Subject: Dr. Atkins wach out~
A very Quick Commercial.
Who knew that a bread named Wonder could be a ÂKiller LoL
Holes are a danger to anyone making sandwiches. What if ... the mustard or mayo leaked out? Would world war three erupt? Thank good Wonder avoids this but not using dough but instead a batter whipped. Very S&M!
Who knew that a bread named Wonder could be a ÂKiller LoL
Holes are a danger to anyone making sandwiches. What if ... the mustard or mayo leaked out? Would world war three erupt? Thank good Wonder avoids this but not using dough but instead a batter whipped. Very S&M!
favoritefavorite -
February 22, 2004
Subject: no holes
Subject: no holes
Because of Wonder Bread, I now can sleep easily at night knowing that there is a product out there conveniently made from batter that will not provide
me with hole-y toast and will keep my plastic American cheese safe until it's eaten. Brief, but disturbing. Also, if you combine this bread with water, you will have a nice glue!
Steve Nordby
favoritefavoritefavorite -
February 22, 2004
Subject: Welcome to white bread America!
Subject: Welcome to white bread America!
Ten second commercial: Packaged product spins, dissolve to bowl of batter, dissolve to slice of bread, dissolve back to product with "Helps build strong
bodies 12 ways!" supered. Announcer: "Because Wonder Soft Whipped Bread is made from batter not dough, it has no holes. Get Wonder Soft Whipped."
I did not know holes in bread to be a problem for makers of *good* bread. Apparently is was enough of a problem for Wonder to market bread made from thin batter (less flour - a cost savings!) that would not contain pockets of doughy goodness.
I did not know holes in bread to be a problem for makers of *good* bread. Apparently is was enough of a problem for Wonder to market bread made from thin batter (less flour - a cost savings!) that would not contain pockets of doughy goodness.
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